Unique fish which appeared to have a leg found in the exploration of marine scientists in RI.
Angler fish has a fin-like legs, and used to balance themselves.
Scientists discovered that fish use the mapping system and robotic vehicles in the exploration of 21 thousand square miles (33.8 thousand square km) of sea in the north of Indonesia with a depth of 800 feet (0.25 km) up to 2 miles (3.2 km).
Faye Archell from the Centre of Applied Zoologym says, "many of the species known as an ambush predator. Adapt their fins in order to stay balanced on the seabed and still terkamuflase. "
"Then they use the bulge just above the head to lure prey to their mouths."
Most of these species live in the depths of the sea, but there was also that live in shallow and tropical regions.
Scientists predict 40 new species of plants and animals in the expedition for three weeks.
More than 100 hours of video and 100 thousand photographs were taken using a robotic vehicle with high resolution cameras connected to the mainland by satellite and high speed internet.
Verena Tunncliffe, professor of the University of Victoria Canada says the pictures it provides stunning views of the world's most complex marine ecosystems.
"Lili was located at sea and in shallow water, but it is now rare," he said in a written statement.
"I have only seen a few in my career. However, on this expedition I was amazed to see the diversity. "
One animal that looks like a flower caught with needles beralapis like glass, but scientists suspect that it is a carnivorous sponges.
Duri was wrapped in layers of sticky, which seem to be used to capture passing food. (source: solocybercity.wp)
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